Online marketing can have a tremendous impact on one’s business, leading to the generation of thousands of leads, and hundreds of more sales than what would otherwise be possible. Over half (57%) of B2B (business to business) marketers say that SEO (search engine optimization) makes the biggest impact on their lead generation goals. And similarly, 41% of B2CB (business to customer business) marketers say that SEO makes the biggest impact on their lead generation goals.
So how can you get these leads? Is there a way to know how to improve website traffic What can you do with your website to effectively utilize SEO marketing?
What is SEO, exactly?
To start, SEO is the process of getting traffic from the organic, or natural, search results on search engines. Using keywords in your content or website optimization to generate a higher ranking website in the search results of the internet. The goal is to rank as highly as possible.
Most of the clicks from the internet, somewhere around 75%, don’t leave the first page. And that’s where you want your website to be.
There is no simple way to know how to improve website traffic, however. It has numerous factors. Rankings are a large one, you want to be on the front page, and the content of your website and the design of it can largely impact that. Most search engines have ways to tell if the content of your site is high quality.
If there’s more high-quality content, your site will rank higher. High-quality links will also factor in, as well as proper keyword usage.
Good headlines can also generate interest for your site, ones that catch attention, but aren’t what many call “clickbait,” or titles designed specifically to generate clicks.
Your internal linking structure can also impact the ranking of your site in search engines. When creating and publishing content, be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities for internal links. This can not only help with SEO but it can also result in a better, more useful experience for the user.
And having an easy to navigate website can make visitors less likely to leave after a few clicks around.
You also want to make sure your website is fast, and that it has a good, responsive, nature. That means that it is accessible from a lot of separate devices or platforms, like phones, and iPads.
So while there is no real guide on how to improve website traffic, there are tons of things one can do to improve their chances of getting visitors. If you have any questions concerning SEO contact us, and if you have any tips, feel free to leave them in the comments below.